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Turning your Workplace into a Lifeplace
Where people are why the business is a business

Seminars - Workshops - Conferences


Our most popular programs are described below,  but fundamentally,  if you have                            and those


people have a                  then  Richard Hill  and  The Mindscience Institute can source the PROBLEM and


provide a SOLUTION. What do you and your people need? Just email -

or phone - 0414 585 903

Mental Health in the Workplace
Beat Procrastination Training
Resolving Stress at Work Richard Hill
now for a free consultation

What does the average person know about anxiety and depression or panic or some of many mental and emotional issues that people deal woth every day - at home and in the workplace? What does it look like? How do I deal with it? What will cause more trouble and what will help? This programs deals with those questions and more...

now for a free consultation

Absenteeism is a big problem in the workplace, but a bigger problem is PRESENTEEISM - people turn up, get paid, but don't get anything done. There are many reasons for it, but PROCRASTINATION is the most resolvable. People just need to understand why and what is the best remedy. It is not the same every time. People are more complicated than that!

now for a free consultation

A lot has been said about stress, everything from it is killing you to it is good for you in some way. Unfortunately, stress is highly misunderstood. There is a big difference between stress and distress AND there is a big difference between a personal challenge and stressful task. We need a little more Mindscience and little less guesswork and one size fits all cures. People  need to know what really helps.

Suicide in the Workplace Training Richard Hill
now for a free consultation

Suicide can happen anywhere and when it happens in the workplace everyone can be affected - some quite seriously. No one is ever responsible for another person's, but knowledge is always a comfort and can strengthen groups to develop preventative practices and also how to deal with the difficult days after if something tragic does occur.

Dianne Green, Director, Visionled - Design of Thinking: Sydney & Tokyo.

Richard brings you from the shadow out into the light, he connects the pieces, and makes it appear so simple…user friendly… he gets you to the heart of the issue without pain.

Kirke Olson, Psy.D., Director, The Positivity Company, educator, author: Henniker, NH, USA

Richard has a keen ability to offer ideas based in brain science that open minds and increase creativity thinking. He can simultaneously see the forest and the tree, then suggest options I had never considered.

Craig Jarman, Director, Zebra Lounge: Pyrmont, Sydney, Australia

Something surprising always happens when I invite Richard’s brain into my thinking.

Evan Katz, Director, The AG Institute, Media Consultant, Writer: San Diego, CA, USA

I talk to Richard about what I am thinking, then he suggests a few things, and suddenly my mind opens up. I love it.

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